Heute waren wir mal wieder wandern. Zum Glück war das Wetter schön, und somit die Aussicht atemberaubend. Anfangs hatten wir zwar gar keine Lust, aber am Gipfelkreuz angekommen, war die ganze Anstrengung schon vergessen.
Today we were hiking, to stay fit and to join the wonderfull view of Austria. At first, we were not that motivated, but arriving at the summit cross, we forgot all the pain.
peace & out
I've never been in Austria, but I like a trip :D
AntwortenLöschenI following You ;)
I would love to go to Austria! And I know the feeling of forgetting all the exhaustion once you reach the top and a beautiful view...
AntwortenLöschenx Eva
incredible, my dear
AntwortenLöschenwow... amazing pictures!
Great photos!
AntwortenLöschenWould yu like to follow each other?
Let me know and I will follow you right back!
Fowolled back, dear!
AntwortenLöschenGreat post dear <3
AntwortenLöschenCome by anytime :)
Your Princess is in Another Castle
xx Sofie
The pictures are so cute!!!
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